Monday, January 21, 2013

Week Twenty-Two - Tomato

022 Tomato 

Next week our focus will be on the twenty-second film in Rob Bell's Nooma series - "Tomato."  Tabitha will lead us in this casual discussion.

Do we try so hard to be something we are not, that we miss out on how to truly live?We all get consumed with ourselves; sometimes we're not even aware of it. We learn from a young age that life is about winning and impressing. We pick up that our worth and value come from how good, how smart, and how skilled we are. So, we twist things in our favor, making us look like we have it all together. Every day we have the choice to prop up these false ideas about ourselves or to let go of them. Jesus invites these parts of us to die, the parts of us that tell us our worth comes from the things we say and do. Maybe it's only when we let these things die, that we truly begin to live.

Click this link to watch the trailer for the film we'll watch on January 27th:

Remember, we meet in the Fellowship Hall during Sunday School (9:45-10:45).  Everyone is welcome!!

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