Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Christianity's Family Tree

 We have begun a study that we are very excited about: Christianity's Family Tree by Adam Hamilton. Hamilton compares the Christian family to our own extended families by exploring and providing an overview of eight different Christian denominations. He reminds us how we feel very close to some of our relatives but other relatives seem so distant we may forget how we are even connected to them in the first place! We are connected by a common patriarch - God the Father!

Everyone is welcome to join us in the Fellowship Hall during Sunday School (9:45-10:45).  We look forward to seeing you soon and learning in Christ together!

Jan. 26 - Orthodoxy - Helen
Feb. 2 - Catholicism - Kelly
Feb. 9 - Lutheranism - Marcie
Feb. 16 - Presbyterianism - Ashley
Feb. 23 - Anglicanism - Tyler
Mar. 2 - Baptists - Wendy (but depending on her recovery, let's have a back-up volunteer)
Mar. 9 - Pentecostalism - Tabitha
Mar. 16 - Methodism - Marcie