Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Take-Away - Lutheranism

 Martin Luther

Adam Hamilton's summary of what we can take away from Lutheranism:

Lutheranism sprang from Martin Luther's dissatisfaction with the Roman Catholic Church.  He grew up in a home where religion was based on fear.  The Protestant Reformation arose as many people believed the Church needed reform.  Indulgences infuriated Luther, and he stated his rejection of many current Church practices in the 95 Theses.  Lots of other people were struggling in their beliefs also, and this message of discontent spread like wildfire.

Central beliefs of Lutheranism
1.  Priesthood of all Believers - Everyone is called to use the gifts God has given us.  All of us are called to be in ministry.
2.  The Christian's Compass - God speaks to ordinary people through the Scriptures.
3.  Justification by Faith - Luther searched for a God of mercy and determined that God is looking for us to trust Him and trust in His love.  Our right standing before God is a gift of God - NOT because of good works.  We need to live in a grateful response and trust in His love.  God affirms us and loves us.  He loves us more than we can ever believe.

Hamilton, Adam.  Christianity's Family Tree.   Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2007.

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