Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Notes Posted
Thanks to Wendy Brown for leading the Ch1-5 discussion of "Every Day a Friday." She made notes pages for us and uploaded them to the Facebook group. I have also posted them on our blog - under "Just Notes" (then scroll to the bottom).
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
"Every Day a Friday" by Joel Osteen
Research shows that people are happiest on Fridays, and Pastor Joel Osteen reveals how we can generate this level of contentment and joy every day of the week. Known as a man who maintains a constant positive outlook in spite of circumstances, Osteen has described this message as a core theme of his ministry. Combining his personal experiences with scriptural insights and principles for true happiness, he shows readers how every day can hold the same promise and opportunities for pure joy that they experience at five o'clock on Friday.
Part I (Chapters 1-5) - Don't Give Away Your Power - November 17 and 24 (Wendy)
Part II (Chapters 6-10) - Know What to Ignore - December 1 and 8 (Mark and Tabitha)
Part III (Chapters 11-14) - Live Without Crutches - December 15 (Bill)
Part IV (Chapters 15-19) - Travel Light - December 22 and January 5 (Melinda and Kelly)
<We will not meet Dec 29>
Part V (Chapters 20-21) - Laugh Often - January 12 and 19 (Traci)
Part VI (Chapters 22-24) - Be a Dream Releaser - January 26 (Helen)
Part VII (Chapters 25-27) - Celebrate Yourself - February 2 (Tyler)
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
"Enough" by Adam Hamilton
Beginning October 20, Just Coffee and Sojourners are joining forces in the Fellowship Hall during the Sunday School hour to study Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity by Adam Hamilton.
Oct 20 - When Dreams Become Nightmares - Charles from Sojourners
Oct 27 - Wisdom and Finance - Marcie from Just Coffee
Nov 3 - Cultivating Contentment - Wendy from Just Coffee
Nov 10 - Defined by Generosity - Tabitha from Just Coffee
When Christians Get it Right (Week 6)
We will be exploring the topic "When Christians Get it Right" in Adam Hamilton's DVD study When Christians Get it Wrong on Sunday, October 13. Wendy will be leading us in this conversation.
Join us in the Fellowship Hall during Sunday School (from 9:45-10:45am)! Everyone is welcome!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
In Dealing with Homosexuality (Week 5)
We will be exploring the topic "In Dealing with Homosexuality" in Adam Hamilton's DVD study When Christians Get it Wrong on Sunday, October 6th. Marcie will be leading us in this conversation.
Join us in the Fellowship Hall during Sunday School (from 9:45-10:45am)! Everyone is welcome!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Notes from Week Three - Arrogance
Notes from Week Three: When Speaking of Other Religions
What follows are a few items from the video, the Leader's Guide, or the Participant Guide that moved me:
Lord Jesus, at times we have refused to listen to the thoughts and beliefs of those who do not share our beliefs. We have been arrogant and dismissive toward them, and we have caused them to feel excluded or judged - whether intentionally or unintentionally. As a result of our unloving words, attitudes, and actions, we have actually turned people away from you. Forgive us, Lord. Help us to be more like you, drawing others to you through our humility, respect, love, compassion, mercy, and kindness. As we explore our beliefs about salvation and the wideness of your mercy, may our hearts and minds be open to your Holy Spirit and our attitudes and words be full of grace. Amen.
What is the eternal fate of those who earnestly seek God - who love God and seek to do what is right as they best understand it - but who either have not heard about Jesus or have not understood the gospel?
Christians through the ages have answered the question of the wideness of God's mercy in three ways:
1. Christian Universalism - all humanity ultimately will be reconciled to God (none will suffer in hell)
2. Christian Exclusivism - anyone who has not personally trusted in Christ cannot enter heaven
* 3. Christian Inclusivism - Jesus died for the sins of the world, but God can give the gift of salvation to anyone God chooses based upon the criteria God chooses (God looking at the heart and judging according to the light of the knowledge those people had access to)
The apostle Peter called Christians to witness to their faith by living holy lives, showing humility, respect, and love. The most powerful form of Christian witness is expressing authentic love, compassion, mercy, and kindness toward others.
St. Francis once said, "Preach the gospel always, and when necessary, use words."
"My prayer is that we Christians will be a people who preach the gospel always, and when necessary use words" (Hamilton, Participant book 55).
"My prayer is that we Christians will be a people who preach the gospel always, and when necessary use words" (Hamilton, Participant book 55).
Closing Prayer:
God, we gather regularly to wrestle with questions about ourselves, about life's purpose, and about your call to service. We're thankful we can learn some of your truth. Please keep us from the hurtful arrogance that says we've got it all figured out and have the right to condemn and condescend to others, either within our group or outside of it. Teach our hearts the ultimate truth - that you are love. Amen.
Notes from Week Four - Heartlessness
Notes from Week Four: When Bad Things Happen
What follows are a few items from the video, the Leader's Guide, or the Participant Guide that moved me:
MAIN IDEA: If we want to get it right when it comes to how we speak and act in times of suffering, we need to carefully consider what we believe about how God works in the world and seek to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus to those who are suffering.
Opening Prayer:
Lord, life can be so hard at times. Suffering is part of the human experience because we live in a fallen, imperfect world. Like everyone who has come before us, we struggle to make sense of it all; and sometimes in our effort to make sense of it, we wind up saying and doing things that hurt others. Help us to sort through our questions, to question our assumptions, and to examine our beliefs carefully. Remind us that we do not have all the answers and never will, and that the most important question is not "Why?" but "What now?" We are comforted by the fact that you are familiar with our pain, that you are present with us through it , and that you promise to bring good from it. Teach us to share the comfort we have received from you with others, reaching out with compassion to be your hands, feet, and voice in a hurting world. Amen.
Key Insights
Lord, life can be so hard at times. Suffering is part of the human experience because we live in a fallen, imperfect world. Like everyone who has come before us, we struggle to make sense of it all; and sometimes in our effort to make sense of it, we wind up saying and doing things that hurt others. Help us to sort through our questions, to question our assumptions, and to examine our beliefs carefully. Remind us that we do not have all the answers and never will, and that the most important question is not "Why?" but "What now?" We are comforted by the fact that you are familiar with our pain, that you are present with us through it , and that you promise to bring good from it. Teach us to share the comfort we have received from you with others, reaching out with compassion to be your hands, feet, and voice in a hurting world. Amen.
Key Insights
- Some of the long and commonly held assumptions about God's involvement in the affairs of our world - the things Christians sometimes say in the face of suffering and even blessing - not only may be wrong, but also may serve to push people away from God.
- God's involvement in the world and in our lives is called providence. What we believe about providence determines how we respond when bad things happen.
- Nearly all Christians agree that God is sovereign - the highest authority or supreme ruler - yet some also claim that God is actually controlling every dimension of the creation. This view is sometimes referred to as the marionette view of divine providence. The Bible seems to teach the opposite of this view.
- Whatever we say about God or attribute to God must line up with God's character as revealed in the Scriptures. The character of God revealed through the Scriptures is that of a kind, loving, and merciful Father - not a monster.
- Much of what we blame God for is the result of humanity's sin and the realities of an imperfect world - such as sickness, disease, natural disasters, accidents, violence, and death. God accepts the realities, but God does not initiate them.
- Typically God does not answer our prayers by intervening supernaturally, yet God can and sometimes does intervene in miraculous ways.
- God does not cause bad things to happen, but when they do happen, God uses them to work for our good. God uses the difficult and tragic experiences of our lives to grow us and make us more like Christ.
- When it comes to the problem of suffering, we must allow room for mystery, knowing that there is much we do not know and cannot understand.
- The church, the body of Christ, should be made up of people filled with compassion who carry one another through the difficult times. We are to be the hands, feet, and voice of Christ to those who are hurting.
A statement that gave us chill bumps once we put it together: "God doesn't interfere; he intervenes."
Thursday, September 26, 2013
When Bad Things Happen (Week 4)
We will be exploring the topic "When Bad Things Happen" in Adam Hamilton's DVD study When Christians Get it Wrong on Sunday, September 29. Brian will be leading us in this conversation.
Join us in the Fellowship Hall during Sunday School (from 9:45-10:45am)! Everyone is welcome!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
When Speaking of Other Religions (Week 3)
We will be exploring the topic "When Speaking of Other Religions" in Adam Hamilton's DVD study When Christians Get it Wrong on Sunday, September 22. Tabitha will be leading us in this conversation.
Join us in the Fellowship Hall during Sunday School (from 9:45-10:45am)! Everyone is welcome!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Christians, Science, and Politics (Week 2)
We will be exploring the topic "Christians, Science, and Politics" in Adam Hamilton's DVD study When Christians Get it Wrong on Sunday, September 15th. Kelly will be leading us in this conversation.
Join us in the Fellowship Hall during Sunday School (from 9:45-10:45am)! Everyone is welcome!
Notes from Week One - Hypocrisy
WOW! What a great start to "When Christians Get it Wrong" today! What follows are a few items from the video, the Leader's Guide, or the Participant Guide that moved me:
Jesus warned us about four different expressions of hypocrisy:
- Wrong motives
- Pointing out the sin of others with out seeing our own
- Majoring in minors - Hamilton said, "When you focus on the minutia, you forget the really important stuff."
- Being two-faced
We are ALL recovering Pharisees
One young adult said, "I don't mind that you Christians don't live up to all of your ideals. I don't live up to all of my ideals, either. In the end, I guess we're all hypocrites, it's just that my friends and I recognize that we're hypocrites. It seems that many Christians haven't figured this out yet."
Closing Prayer:
- Wrong motives
- Pointing out the sin of others with out seeing our own
- Majoring in minors - Hamilton said, "When you focus on the minutia, you forget the really important stuff."
- Being two-faced
We are ALL recovering Pharisees
One young adult said, "I don't mind that you Christians don't live up to all of your ideals. I don't live up to all of my ideals, either. In the end, I guess we're all hypocrites, it's just that my friends and I recognize that we're hypocrites. It seems that many Christians haven't figured this out yet."
"When Christians get it right, we love and give, work for justice, and demonstrate kindness. When we Christians get it right, we, like Jesus, befriend those who are outside the church rather than condemning them. And when we Christians get it right, people are drawn to, rather than repelled by our faith."
Closing Prayer:
Dear God, we want to be filled with your heart and goodness all the time. But we're not there yet, so sometimes we're tempted to fake it - and that can get ugly. Help us to live authentically in your love and grace, letting go of our need to look good even when we aren't. Teach us to own our struggles and claim your power to transform us. Amen.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Important Reminders - "When Christians Get it Wrong"
Important reminders as we begin "When Christians Get it Wrong" (from the Leader's Guide pp.8-9)
- The purpose of this study is not to debate beliefs or opinions but to help you hear and understand the perceptions and feelings of young adults outside the Christian faith.
- Some issues and beliefs are complex and multifaceted and, therefore, will result in multifaceted perspectives; yet as followers of Christ we are called to demonstrate respect, acceptance, and love toward those with whom we disagree.
- This session is not intended to be a debate or a gripe session but an opportunity to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ as we learn more about the perceptions of young adults and how we can be more like Christ in communicating and interacting with those who are outside the Christian faith.
- Be willing to let go of your biases and to question your assumptions. You will agree with some points and disagree with others. But as you are willing to see things from the perspective of young adults outside the Christian faith, you will come to discover how you may be a more influential representative of Christ in a skeptical world.
"Always be humble, gentle, and patient, accepting each other in love. You are joined together with peace through the Spirit, so make every effort to continue together in this way." Ephesians 4:2-3, NCV
"Stay away from foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they grow into quarrels. And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, a good teacher, and patient. The Lord's servant must gently teach those who disagree. Then maybe God will let them change their minds so they can accept the truth." 2 Timothy 2:23-25, NCV
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
When Christians are Unchristian (Week 1)
We will be exploring the topic "When Christians are Unchristian" in Adam Hamilton's DVD study When Christians Get it Wrong on Sunday, September 8th. Traci will be leading us in this conversation.
Join us in the Fellowship Hall during Sunday School (from 9:45-10:45am)! Everyone is welcome!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
When Christians Get it Wrong
Watch the trailer below for a great introduction to our newest study, the DVD study called When Christians Get it Wrong. It is based on a book by the same name by Adam Hamilton, but our group plans to go through the six-week series on DVD.
Introduction from the Leader's Guide: There is a growing frustration and sometimes open hostility toward Christianity on the part of an increasing number of people today, particularly young adults. In fact, according to the research of the Barna Institute, 40% of young adults have turned away from Christianity and want nothing to do with Christians. In their 2007 book unChristian, David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons outlined the Barna Institute's research with hundreds of young adults who were outside the Christian faith. They found that these young adults perceived Christians to be hypocritical, unloving, too political, anti-intellectual, insensitive, judgmental, and "anti-homosexual." My conversations with young adults substantiate their findings. Generally I have found that young people have rejected Christianity not necessarily because of beliefs, although sometimes the case, but more often because of the attitudes and actions of Christians they have known or observed.
See the post on our Facebook group to lead a session of this very insightful and important study. The more I read about these sessions, I think it could be very good for those of us who have children who, as they get older, may begin to question and drift away from the church. Adam Hamilton explores some of the reasons why they want to distance themselves. The Leader's Guide has very detailed goals, Biblical foundations, key insights, discussion points, notable quotes (from the book), and a closing prayer. With some preparation on the part of the leader, I think we could have some really good discussions each week!!
Sept 8 - When Christians are Unchristian - Traci
Sept 15 - Christians, Science, and Politics - Kelly
Sept 22- When Speaking of Other Religions - Tabitha
Sept 29 - When Bad Things Happen - Brian
Oct 6 - In Dealing With Homosexuality - Marcie
Oct 13 - When Christians Get it Right - Wendy
Nooma Revisited: Flame
This coming Sunday - August 25, 2013 - Traci will be taking Just Coffee back to one of our favorite NOOMA studies - "Flame." She will lead us in a casual discussion of the topic.
Follow this link for a preview to the video and some information about the topic:
Friday, August 16, 2013
Nooma Revisited: Kickball
This coming Sunday - August 18, 2013 - Marcie will be taking Just Coffee back to one of our favorite NOOMA studies - "Kickball." She will lead us in a casual discussion of the topic.
Remember that due to the Welcome Reception setup for the District Superintendent, the 8:30 Contemporary Service will be held in the Sanctuary and Just Coffee will meet in the Grundy Parlor upstairs on August 18th.
Follow this link for a preview to the video and some information about the topic:
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Nooma Revisited: Luggage
This coming Sunday - August 11, 2013 - Wendy will be taking Just Coffee back to one of our favorite NOOMA studies - "Luggage." She will lead us in a casual discussion of the topic.
Follow this link for a preview to the video and some information about the topic:
Friday, August 2, 2013
Happy Birthday to Us!
The end of July marked one year of faith, growth, and friendships formed in Just Coffee!! We enjoyed a Texas Sheet Cake to celebrate on July 28, 2013!
Nooma Revisited: Noise
This coming Sunday - August 4, 2013 - Marcie will be taking Just Coffee back to one of our favorite NOOMA studies - "Noise." She will lead us in a casual discussion of the topic.
Follow this link for a preview to the video and some information about the topic:
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Nooma Revisited: Rain
This coming Sunday - July 28, 2013 - Tabitha Strickler will be taking Just Coffee back to one of our favorite NOOMA studies - "Rain." She will lead us in a casual discussion of the topic.
Follow this link for a preview to the video and some information about the topic:
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Becoming the Church: Ch.25-28
Just Coffee
July 21 - Marcie
Acts 25- Going It Alone?
Acts 26- Truth to Power
Acts 27- Shackled Leadership
Acts 28 - The end?
Join us from 9:45-10:45 in the Fellowship Hall for Just Coffee!
Becoming the Church: Ch.22-24
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Becoming the Church: Ch.19-21
Friday, June 28, 2013
Becoming the Church: Ch.16-18
Monday, June 17, 2013
Becoming the Church: Ch.13-15
Monday, June 10, 2013
Becoming the Church: Ch.10-12
Monday, June 3, 2013
Becoming the Church: Ch.7-9
Monday, May 27, 2013
Becoming the Church: Ch.4-6
Friday, May 24, 2013
Becoming the Church: Ch.1-3
Summer Studies :-)
Starting this Sunday, we'll begin a study of the book of Acts through the book recommended by Pastor Beth - Becoming the Church by Dalton Troy Rushing. Each chapter parallels the chapter from Acts. There's no pressure to read the book along with the leader for the week, but if you'd like to do some preparation, reading those chapters from Acts would be very helpful!
May 26 - Chapters 1-3 - Tabitha
June 2 - Chapters 4-6 - Helen
June 9 - Chapters 7-9 - Wendy
June 16 - Chapters 10-12 - Kelly
June 23 - Chapters 13-15 - Amy
June 30 - Chapters 16-18 - Marcie
July 7 - Chapters 19-21 - Tabitha
July 14 - Chapters 22-24 - Traci
July 21 - Chapters 25-28 - Marcie
And for more Nooma love to finish out the summer...
July 28 - Nooma: RAIN - TabithaAug 4 - Nooma: NOISE - Marcie
Aug 11 - Nooma: LUGGAGE - Wendy
Aug 18 - Nooma: KICKBALL - ??????
Aug 25 - Nooma: FLAME - Traci
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Nooma Revisited: Lump
This coming Sunday - May 19, 2013 - Wendy Brown will be taking Just Coffee back to one of our favorite NOOMA studies - "Lump." She will lead us in a casual discussion of the topic.
Follow this link for a preview to the video and some information about the topic:
Happy Mother's Day!
Hope all our Just Coffee MOMS had a great Mother's Day on Sunday! We look forward to getting back together on Sunday, May 19th!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Personality Test
On May 5, Beth Lawson will be leading us in a discussion of personality types and what they mean for us.
Online personality test:
Friday, April 26, 2013
Chapter 10 - The Crux of the Matter
Crazy Love by Francis Chan
Chapter 10 - The Crux of the Matter
April 28, 2013
Discussion Leader - Kelly
View the introductory video for this chapter to get a preview of what our discussion on Sunday will be about:
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